Goebel High End
Oliver Goebel has been a partner of AE since 2013. This German speaker manufacturer develops phase-coherent loudspeakers without peer. This is the only speaker that AE knows of, that has the capability to recreate a sound stage the listener can literally walk around in. It is picturesque no matter what material we play. With Goebel, the musical landscape is always cut from a single piece of canvas, without any cut-and-paste ‘stitching,’ so to speak. In other words, it means that the listener is unable to localise the output of any driver of the speaker as it plays. This uncanny coherence repeatedly impresses many, regardless of their reference points and who have paid a visit to Divin Lab, the flagship showroom of AE in Hong Kong. The Divin series is named after the commissioning and participation by AE, in the conceptual design stage with Oliver Goebel, in 2015. The Divin Majestic was presented to the world for the first time in 2017 at the 5th Audio Exotics Super Hi-End Show. Subsequently, AE built a dedicated showroom to house these gigantic speakers. Divin Lab was born and began operations in 2018. Even at the home of AE's founder, he has chosen to use the Goebel AEON Epoque Reference as his reference speakers.
AE Products
Brand Reviews
- Stereophile Review – Göbel High End Divin Marquis loudspeaker
- Göbel High End Divin Marquis
- HIFI Statement Review – Goebel High End Epoque Aeon Fine
- Göbel High End Lacorde Statement cables review
- Göbel Audio • Divin Noblesse Loudspeakers