

AE Central is our 2nd showroom opened in 2016, with two studios featuring rare vinyl sales.

Central Philosophy

Central features two studios at AE Central, conveniently located (and especially so) for those working in the CBD. It also houses a vinyl shop managed by Master Chik supplying diverse collectible vinyl pieces.

The main room showcases Goebel Marquis speakers/1 x Divin Sovereign Subwoofer from Germany powered by the Engstrom Monica/Eric Encore preamplifier/amplifiers from Sweden, fronted by the Wadax Atlantis Reference DAC/Server, JMF Audio DMT3.7 Universal Transport, Zanden 1200 Signature phono stage, Synaestec Igniculus phono stage, DaVinci Gabriel turntable, Durand Tosca tonearm (Fuuga cartridge), and Thales Statement tonearm (Extreme Exotics cartridge).

KK Wong, the manager of these studios in AE central, is delighted to provide consultancy to burgeoning aficionados keen on immersing in the AE experience.

AE Forum Discussions


Brand Model
Turntable Da Vinci Gabriel Mk3
Tonearm Thales Statement
Durand Tosca
Cartridge Thales Extreme Exotics Gold
Miyabi Fuuga
Phono Synaestec Igniculus
Zanden 1200 Signature
Transport JMF DMT3.7
Music Server Wadax Reference Server
DA Converter Wadax Reference DAC
Lars Engstrom Monica Mk3
Lars Engstrom Eric Encore
Speakers Goebel Marquis
Arya AirBlade
AC Conditioner JMF Audio 35th Anniversary PCD 302
Ground Filtration Tripoint Troy NG/ Troy Elite
Mechanical isolation SRA Craze 3 rack, Virginia/Ohio platforms
Arya RevOpod
Wellfloat Delta Extreme



Brand Model
Turntable Disc Rotator
Tonearm Thales Statement
Top Wing Seiryu (Blue Dragon)
Phono I
Zanden Model 120
SACD Player Synaestec Origo
Music Server
DA Converter
Amplifier Dartzeel 8550 Integrated Amplifier
Speakers Audionec EVO2
AC Conditioner JMF Audio PCD302 Revision F
AC Distribution
Ground Filtration
Mechanical Isolation SRA  Scuttle 3 / Virginia amp stand
Arya Audio Revopod

@audioexotics on Instagram

Dalby Akasu Record Stabilizer

I have no words to describe my feelings of this analog treasure.  What comes to mind is a poem. 

Silence is a space, a sacred place.  For in this space, I can see the beauty of life, pure and free. 

The language of silence knows no bounds. Its meaning is felt, its presence profound. 

For in silence, there is a way, to connect with our innermost soul. 

Chris Leung 

My deepest salute to Lee Dalby for his ingenuity to the service of musicality. 


我選擇了日本藝術家 ”早川克己”(Katsumi Hayakawa)的作品給予Aaron為今年的生日禮物。早川是畫「光」的能手,這幅名為《Signal 》的作品,設計概念原自他的香港演唱會其中一個造型。從他的欣悦反應,我估計早川的創作已觸動了他的藝術感知。






The beautiful Jete record weight by Dalby Audio Design. It illuminates musicality naturally from any vinyl atop analog turntable.  Decaying harmonic tails are resolute, attacks are agile, textures are colourful, pacing is rhythmic, energy is radiant and presence is graceful. 

Audio Exotics in New York Time Square